The Very Hungry Mona-Pillar (We're sorry she stole your breakfast. She's not sorry at all; it was delicious)

On Friday, Mona the tripawd threw up a palm seed the width of her small intestine. We all breathed a sigh of relief. Her amazing puking ability saved her again. Seeds are delicious. Just try to stop me. On Monday, Mona threw up a second palm seed. On Thursday, Mona threw up foam a couple times on her walk. We rushed her in and induced vomiting. She resisted at first, but then threw up a third palm seed! On Friday, she tried to eat more palm seeds on her walk. Her human shrieked and dragged her away. Then Mona sneaked into Corina's bag at work and ate her breakfast. Mona enjoyed Corina's toast with butter and jam and was not sorry at all.