Frickin' Laser Beams!

We rushed to help Chance's concerned humans as they struggled to move him with a sling under his hind end. They explained that he suddenly couldn't get up or walk, and they couldn't afford an MRI. Was there anything that could be done to help him walk again?

We brought in our therapy laser (photobiomodulation) to send regenerative light energy to his damaged tissues to decrease pain and inflammation. Chance's tight muscles relaxed under the warmth of the laser as it created new blood supply to speed healing. It would take many sessions to discover how much mobility he could regain, and if it would be enough for the big guy to get around independently! 

Slowly but surely, Chance's hind legs started supporting him again. He staggered around drunkenly, as if he'd been hanging out with those wild dogs on the corner his humans told him to stay away from, but he could get out to the bathroom again on his own! 

We're so grateful for his recovery. 


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