Do Dogs Have 9 Lives Too? Asking for a Friend

"Is Bacchus inside?" As the coyotes yipped and hunted nearby, our humans scrambled to make sure we were safe. It sounded like rain, but dread crept over my person as she found Mr Bacchus laying on his side in the dark backyard. Had he been attacked? 

Realizing the sound was him struggling to breath against the thick plastic cracker box liner stuck on his head, she tore it off and he fought to get up. His neck was thick with ropey saliva and he had pooped his pants.
Much better!

"You literally saved Mr Bacchus' life by asking where he was," she said when they got inside. We snuggled him and told him how grateful we were that he was still with us. He basked in our worship, gulped water, and then snored loudly at the foot of the bed.

We love you, Mr B, international dog of mystery! 


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