Coffee Game Show

Seven paws danced around the steaming, delectable travel mug of coffee. The melee intensified when the harnesses came out. Would the sacred beverage survive? Did we really really need a table by the front door? 

I hope we're having a puppy...

Welcome to...the Coffee Game Show! How do you keep score, you ask? 

Instant WIN if you get out out of house and into the car without spilling

Minus points for partial spills, including if you pour it out yourself when putting the coffee and the dogs in the car (hint: put the coffee down's too easy to forget about gravity early in the morning)

Whammy if a leash freakishly wraps around the coffee cup and knocks if all over, or if your coffee is forgotten at home

Bending down to leash up the pups, my brew and their frenzied paws were at eye level.  Mona the tripawd almost stepped on the drink, nestled in the corner. Darting away from her own lead touching her, shy Maya nearly knocked it over. Scooping up leash handles, car keys, and finally the unspilled coffee, we headed off to work. 


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