When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Eat Ribs

Mona pranced past the pile of saucy rib bones on the ground outside the supermarket, pausing to try and grab one. We hurried on our walk, wondering who was faster. Would she would need x-rays? Surgery? 

They look so innocent when they're asleep

On our way back past the scene of the alleged bone devouring, we were comforted by the many rib bones still laying there. My human happily forgot the danger, and went back to work.

What do we have here?
What do we have here?

Five minutes to closing, Mona's muscles clenched. She started salivating. Then the retching began. As quickly as it disappeared, a rib bone hurtled out of her mouth. 

You going to eat that?

Shocked, we put the bone in a bag of water and put it on the x-ray table with Mona. The rib showed up distinctly, and no more surprises showed up on the radiographs of her cute little body! The moral of the story? Any time we think she may need one, just take the x-ray. Mona's mouth would rival Superman for speed.   

Title: quote by Nora Roberts 

#turquoiseanimalhospital #turquoisetails #tah #dogs #mustlovedogs #areyougoingtoeatthat


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