I Love Anal Glands...said no one ever; luckily our pets are cute

"There seems to be an extra...opening... on my dog's butt," reported the concerned pet parent.

A happier day...Fiesta Island!

Sure enough, there was! Eleanor Puppington's anal gland was ominously red and swollen.  She had been scooting and licking, and her human was very worried. As we sedated her and flushed out the contents of the abscess, putrid material shot out several feet, almost landing on someone walking by. Is this what the Bog of Eternal Stench smelled like?  We filled the offending gland with soothing medication and woke up her royal pupness. She gave the opening one last relieved lick, and snuggled up to head home. 

#turquoiseanimalhospital #tah #pets #iloveveterinarymedicine


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