Beepocalypse aka Bring Benadryl EVERYWHERE in Case of Jalapeno Sky Raisins

We parked near the trailhead, and docile bees immediately swarmed our tailpipe. Turning off the car didn't dissuade them, so we shooed them out of the car (we hoped) and tried to convince the dogs they should not eat the flying jalapeno raisins.  We shimmied down the wash into the slot canyon.

Is Maya part gazelle? 

Jasper (3 1/2 years) was delighted by the many toddler-size caves, and happily looked for bears. 

Cypress (8 months) babbled at the siltstone that ranged from gorgeous wind and water-formed passages to a boulder suspended Indiana Jones-style above our heads. 

The scene I picture while trying to transfer this sleeping baby into his crib

Back at the car, the bees continued their love affair with our exhaust pipe. Several of them tried to hitchhike back with us, but obligingly flew back out as the dogs playfully tried to eat them. Why o why didn't we bring Benadryl? Everywhere? Always?*

*no one was stung during this was a small children and fur kid miracle 


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