Do Dog Deskunking Recipes Work on People? Asking for a friend...

As we were finishing helping a little baby skunk, the scent of onion napalm filled the hospital. We cleaned his skunked-on adorable tummy, changed our scrubs, and tried to contain the Bog of Eternal Stench in one room.

I eat pests, you're welcome

The rest of the day clients made weed jokes, and we tried to air everything out / burn scented candles / spray Lysol. We imagined whose spouses would make them sleep on the couch (hint: mine had trouble falling asleep but didn't 86 me).

The next morning, still smelling like skunk after changing my backup scrubs and bathing, it was time to get serious. Mixing up 1/4 cup baking soda, 2 tablespoons dishwashing soap, and a quart hydrogen peroxide, I washed my hair with dog deskunking solution. It worked! I hope... let me know...


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