5th Annual Exotics Expo

This weekend was the fifth annual Exotics Expo at Turquoise Animal Hospital! There were so many cool animals that looked delicious. 

Tarantula Pandora Treva Boo

A creep of tortoises, flight of cockatoos, pandemonium of parrots, business of ferrets, a fire-belly toad, a cockatiel, a hedgehog, lounge of geckos, cluster of tarantulas, a rat, a guinea pig, a hamster, a bury of rabbits, a garter snake, and probably more!

Lounge lizards

There were kids crafts, chair massages, snacks, music, and you could be a mermaid or surfing dog. 

Bulldog mermaid!

We enjoyed spending the day with Project Wildlife, Socal Parrot Rescue, Parrot Education and Adoption Center, Wee Companions, the House Rabbit Society, unique animals, and the people who care for them. See you next year!
Tarantula Little Isabella Amazon


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