Fix it Herself: Mulch...Free.99

The Miramar Landfill has free or inexpensive mulch, compost, and wood chips.  Our landscaping needed some love, so my humans put my seat belt on and I got excited to ride in the car.

Get outta my dreams

We drove on windy landfill roads past trucks and heavy machinery I'd like to ride on to a dirt road. We arrived at the piles of free mulch and I needed a pit stop.  I waited impatiently and got tangled in my leash while my humans filled the tarp lined trunk, a garbage can, and bags in the backseat.  Up to two cubic yards were free for city residents if you loaded it up yourself!

Get into my car

At home we had already picked up my poop, pulled weeds, and put weed blockers down (a great way to recycle boxes).  I ran around supervising while my yard was filled with mulch! They even filled a hole we dug so we could dig there again. The new smells were exhilarating.  

#MiramarLandfill #SanDiego #FreeMulch #BillyOcean


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