Shortest Sprong Between Two Places

The fastest route between two points is a line, so forgive me if I annihilate the house or interrupt your reading.

Is it the weekend yet?

I was thirsty, so ran across my human's arms between her face and book to my bowl (there are only three water dishes in my house and two in my yard so you can see how urgent my thirst can become).

This textbook is cruel and unusual punishment

Popcorn fell on the ground, so I ran across my canine siblings to eat it.  Dunkin Donuts bags were on the coffee table, so I climbed on to help myself (illegal!).

What do we have here?

The other night I spronged over the back of the couch and treadmill because it was the closest route to a nap.

Sprong champion

Never mind that I often misjudge distances and my humans try to catch me as I fall, I'm trying to out sleep the koala!

Closer to the edge than she appears

#Sprong #SleepChampion #DunkinDonuts #CatchMe


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