International Dog of Mystery

Oreo Bob Grey Dog Bacchus, international dog of mystery, could be my little brother or my son. I had a LOT of puppies during my life on the streets.

Here's looking at you, kid

Bacchus lived at the University of the West Indies and happily roamed the grounds.  He had lunch with students, siestas on the benches, and accompanied joggers and walkers while they exercised. Mr. Bacchus had a regular fanclub and several different names until the dog catcher came.  To save his life, a veterinary student caught him, neutered him, and he came to live in my flat.

Sunshine photo bomb

Bacc enjoys sleeping in beds too small for him, protecting our humans from motorcycles, speed eating, and sunshine.  


He's usually a visitor's favorite as he loves being petted and belly rubs.

My belly is irresistible to humans

He's awesome.


#InternationalDogOfMystery #Bacchus #Pothound #TrinidadAndTobago #UniversityOfTheWestIndies #SchoolOfVeterinaryMedicine


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